Post Your Email And Exchange Some P
Well title says it, i love this site and all the great people i have met. I do not like the idea of paying a monthly fee though so am limited to amount of both pics i can add and veiw. This site is for serious only that want to share every day life poses and events that they do.
Real women?
Return to DiscussionsHow many supposedly woman on here have closed private profiles or no photos... a nudist site so show yourself naked or are you nor real?!
- 2 years ago
This site won't keep my photos up . I post them and with in an hour there gone..
- a year ago
- a year ago
Real women few and far between on most naturist related sites Fake ones are 10 a penny everywhere!!
- a year ago is a verified site with zero fake profiles and all are welcome to post genuine naturist activities and adventures
- a year ago
The only other nudist site I used to belong to changed its title and policy overnight without notice or consultation to something similar to what this site is approaching. Sites like this and other "dating" sites are plagued by fakes and scammers who seem to have been given carte blanche by the site owners to take advantage of us genuine members. I despair when I conduct a search to find the results include the ubiquitous blank profiles, the xxxxxx123 US so-called nudist members or even worse the "private" profiles (what's the point of that?). Surely the site owners have a responsibility to weed that type of member out? I am sure the technology is there to do that easily. The UK's Online Safety Bill currently in its final stages of being made law may go some way to tackling it but, as far as I understand it, concentrates on the commission of the crime but not the prevention.
- a year ago
I fear that we really have to look for and find each other. The groups are a means to this end. We can also use another app, which I personally think is much more convenient. I regard the fake profiles as a game. 1 important rule. Never pay.
- a year ago
This site won't keep my photos up . I post them and with in an hour there gone..
That sucks. I used to really enjoy seeing the pictures you had up in the past
- a year ago
It's because most are fake. Simply guys posing as couples and women to friend real nudists and perve their pics. We understand wanting to see pics, but we want to see random pics or people not posted by the people themselves there are much better sites for that. We came here thinking that the verification process would ensure the photos are of the people posting them. Not true, not even true for many 'certified' profiles. We have reported several to no avail. TN is not doing anything about these people posting pics of random nudist/nudism stolen from the internet.
It's really sad. We had to resort to creating our own group here on TN to make sure everyone is legit.
- a year ago
I agree I see alot profiles but blank an no pictures also most of them are not women there men pretending to be women
- a year ago