Pride Of Men's Armpit Hairs

It is kind of unique that we grow hairs in our armpits and they trap our body odour. So to be natural, why do people shave them? Anyone who is pride of their armpit hairs or men's armpit hairs, in general - doesn't have to be very hairy to be pride of them - or enjoy showing them during nudity. This group is for men only.

No deodorant used here

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Mike from Cambridge here, no deodorants user. Be great to chat.

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RE:No deodorant used here

Only wear deodorant if I have a meeting. Prefer au naturel.

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RE:No deodorant used here

Same only like au naturel. Nothing beats good old male pheromones

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RE:No deodorant used here

Mike from Cambridge here, no deodorants user. Be great to chat.

No scents at all here. Just me. The last man I played with said he wasn't into mansmells but spent his time in my pits n crotch. Best compliment.

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RE:No deodorant used here

When wife is away it's like this. Just regular showers, no deo.

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RE:No deodorant used here

My one and true fetish ~~ naturally occurring armpits and their heady aroma! Breathing deeply ~~~~ ahhhh!

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RE:No deodorant used here

I only use it if I have 2

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RE:No deodorant used here

If I am going to a camp I will use deoderant but no cologne or scents. If I am meeting a nudist at my home I still use deoderant and very little cologne or scent. Don't want to over power anyone. If I were not to use deoderant at a camp I'd be showering every 30 minutes.

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RE:No deodorant used here

I havent used deodorant for over 10 years i like my natural strong musky odour.

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RE:No deodorant used here

I havent used deodorant for over 10 years i like my natural strong musky odour.
Nice so do you work at home

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RE:No deodorant used here

I havent used deodorant for over 10 years i like my natural strong musky odour.

Do you like the smell of your balls also?

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