RE:No deodorant used hereOnly wear deodorant if I have a meeting. Prefer au naturel.
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RE:No deodorant used hereSame only like au naturel. Nothing beats good old male pheromones
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RE:No deodorant used hereMike from Cambridge here, no deodorants user. Be great to chat.
No scents at all here. Just me. The last man I played with said he wasn't into mansmells but spent his time in my pits n crotch. Best compliment.
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RE:No deodorant used hereWhen wife is away it's like this. Just regular showers, no deo.
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RE:No deodorant used hereMy one and true fetish ~~ naturally occurring armpits and their heady aroma! Breathing deeply ~~~~ ahhhh!
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RE:No deodorant used hereI only use it if I have 2
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RE:No deodorant used hereIf I am going to a camp I will use deoderant but no cologne or scents. If I am meeting a nudist at my home I still use deoderant and very little cologne or scent. Don't want to over power anyone. If I were not to use deoderant at a camp I'd be showering every 30 minutes.
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RE:No deodorant used hereI havent used deodorant for over 10 years i like my natural strong musky odour.
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RE:No deodorant used hereI havent used deodorant for over 10 years i like my natural strong musky odour.
Nice so do you work at home
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RE:No deodorant used hereI havent used deodorant for over 10 years i like my natural strong musky odour.
Do you like the smell of your balls also?
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