Random Curiousities

life is full of things that just dont make sense. we celebrate the unknown & try to make sense out of this crazy world

Difference between bisexual female and...

Why do women automatically ignore all single males yet accept friend requests from "bisexual" females. Is there really a difference between the two when really all they are doing is cruising for naked women?

Men are from Mars, Women from Venus

You may have heard that saying "Men are from Mars, women from venus". Being from different plannets we often just don't understand each other. You know the feeling, guys that our femail partner expects us to know her thoughts and...


Have you noticed the little icons for friends and groups (head and soulder pics) have clothes on! Also the icons used for individuals are cropped versions of their defalt profile photo. Sometimes the person has been cropped off or just a torso is...

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What type of clothing could you as nudist...

And what could you not live without? I could live without any clothing if it were acceptable in society. For now underwear for sure, pretty much do now, so I can be naked under my clothes...lol I am a realist though and could not live without a nice...

What is wrong with a man getting an erection...

Why are nudists so uptight about erections? As a woman, I don't mind... Its a male function that happens from time to time... Why are nudists so up tight about it?

How to come out of the nudism closet.

Enjoy nudism, do it all the time at home, but haven't done any formal nudism(sober at least). What is the best general way to go? Briefly in regards to me personally: Really anti-social. Too embarassed to be open with anyone I know about it,...

Is peyote a fruit or a vegetable?

Cant think of anything more random, and I have been curious since the question was posed to me years ago.

If nudity were legalized

Would you immediately start going everywhere nude? Would you go to work nude? Would you just keep it around the house and yard without worry?

Why tails ???

Why do animals have tails ? I always wonder, why do they have them? Apart from animals who use it for locomotion, as fish, and for hanging, as monkeys, some animals seem to do nothing with their tails. I've read once that lizardsare caught bythe...

Global nudity

I'm curious to know your thoughts. If nudism and naturism generally refers to being in public and or in social groups. where does it leave people in countries who have nowhere and virtually no one to be nude with in their nation, for legal or...