Retired Nudists

MUST BE CERTIFIED. Absolutely "NO" Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos w/ face . Must have profile pic. For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists! For "all" us retired nudists to share experiences with.

First and Foremost

First and foremost, all my groups are for actual nudists, both men and women. I have placed certain requirements on joining any of my groups. You must have nude photos in your profile, at least 2 full frontal nudes which also include your face. Your...

Like this group??

You may like another one of my 17 groups. All have the same requirements These are my groups: 1 Certified Canadians and Certified Friends. 2 Certified Long Time Nudists 3 Certified Mature Nudists 4 Certified Single Nudists with Completed Profiles 5...

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Caught off guard

Have you ever been caught off guard well totally nude by an unexpected visitor or neighbor? What was their reaction?

NW UK newly retired

Just joined this group and looking for some new friends.

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Perfect retirement . . .

We,ve been retired a few years now but managing to slot in everything we love doing is no mean feat. Our naturist lifestyle is everything and determines where we go including holidays. Lots of time playing sports at our club. Plenty of socializing...

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new member

Hello, I'm 49 years old and I'm from Germany, I've been divorced for three years and I'm looking forward to seeing you.

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Jump start

Hi all. Thanks for the group membership. Will retire in a few months, and thought I could get a jump start by joining the group. Looking forward to more nudist activities in the coming years. This is me (in yellow) at the 2018 Chicago world naked...

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New Member

Thanks to miev for allowing me to join your group! My name is Lee and I am from Central Nebraska, 76 yrs old and a widower for the past 3 years.

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New members

Thank u for accepting request to join the group. This is jim and linda is my wife. I'm 72 and linda is 62. I am retired but linda will work one more year. Weather is turning cooler here have to enjoy as much nude time as we can.

Best part

What is the best part of being retired do you love the most?