Riding Nude

I wanted to create this group for the nudists who may not drive nude but they do get to ride nude and enjoy it:-)

Tips on driving in the nude

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I started driving at Amazon making deliveries and sometime I end up 45 mins to an an hour away from my home. At night time I started driving in the nude for the trip home. I lower my pants and briefs to my ankles, in case I need to get them in again real quick. My biggest concern is the police and what to do if they were to pull me over. My next biggest problem is my back sticking to the chair. Any advice would be appreciated!

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RE:Tips on driving in the nude

I started driving at Amazon making deliveries and sometime I end up 45 mins to an an hour away from my home. At night time I started driving in the nude for the trip home. I lower my pants and briefs to my ankles, in case I need to get them in again real quick. My biggest concern is the police and what to do if they were to pull me over. My next biggest problem is my back sticking to the chair. Any advice would be appreciated!

Get a large beach towel. Place one side on your seat. Use the other half to cover if necessary.

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RE:Tips on driving in the nude

well my first lesson learn long ago is not to put everything not within arm reach , especially a mini van. when I drive to camp I sit on my gym shorts and shirt in back seat but lately i've adapted to just a homemade loincloth . front and rear panel with a leather band / drawstring , I sit on the back panel and roll-up the front panel and tuck it under the drawstring. I've had loincloths in past and this new one i'm not totally satisfied with as I may make a few modifications. if I was stopped and had to get out wouldn't take a rocket scientist to not know i'm nude under it with the open sides but with the front panel down I should be in compliance unless a windy day.

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RE:Tips on driving in the nude

well my first lesson learn long ago is not to put everything not within arm reach , especially a mini van. when I drive to camp I sit on my gym shorts and shirt in back seat but lately i've adapted to just a homemade loincloth . front and rear panel with a leather band / drawstring , I sit on the back panel and roll-up the front panel and tuck it under the drawstring. I've had loincloths in past and this new one i'm not totally satisfied with as I may make a few modifications. if I was stopped and had to get out wouldn't take a rocket scientist to not know i'm nude under it with the open sides but with the front panel down I should be in compliance unless a windy day.

Are the open sides the main advantage of the loincloth over a sarong or towel?

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RE:Tips on driving in the nude

There was a time when I freely wore little or nothing on the road - until I was informed of the possibility of real legal problems if caught. Since then, nope, I don't do it. So when I still feel the need for freedom from clothes due to the heat of the day when I'm in the role of driver, it might be as minimal as a thong, but there is much less of a reason for me to be nude on the highway now that I live at a nude resort and generally stay that way all the day! Please correct me if I'm misinformed, but in the state of Virginia I have been told it is just like being nude in public if you are caught bare inside your own vehicle.

So a touch of insight from this 'used-2-B-nude' road warrior - the sweaty back is alleviated by methods which necessitate the use of an oversized beach towel. No self-respecting nudist goes anywhere without a towel (and if you do travel without a towel, first, gross, second, learn better baring habits); that's a given. So drape it from the front edge of your seat under your buns and attach the other end around the headrest - I've been known to tie the two ends around it, but if that won't work, nothing more exotic than a clothesline clip will do, or a chip clip might work in a pinch (OUCH). More effective if the distance is too wide, using the elastic thingy-doodles normally used to affix a flat sheet into a fitted sheet configuration would be optimal. And do everyone a favor - when you get back home, take that towel to the washer. Don't leave that towel on your vehicle seat for days and weeks. It may only be your rump on it but find a little decorum in your brain. Only you know where that pair of ass cheeks has been.

On to the item of how to deal with sudden discovery is more difficult. Depending on the type of ride you drive, if you're pulled over, you cannot be fidgeting around in there once they have you stopped and the spotlights are on you - movement inside the car means the police will assume you are cocking your glock (or glocking your cock). That'll likely get you full of lead in some circumstances and certain jurisdictions and for people with more melanin. It'll will also make it easier on the coroner -- since you're already nude they won't have to cut your clothes off before the autopsy and the counting of bullet holes commences.

So, what to do about your willy being out when they walk up beside your car? Not sure about that, but at minimum, have a butt towel within grasp to toss over the pleasantries in your exposed lap, or a full sized towel if you are so lucky to need it due to your endowment. If you blow pot smoke out at them, chances are they are going to ask for more than your license and registration, they will be having you get out of the car, and whatever is draped over your happy place will fall to the ground for all to see, making you quite the spectacle on the highway. Maybe you'll get lucky and they are filming an episode of the show "Cops Live"! Maybe it'll be the start of your porn career, who knows, this all might work out beautifully!

Be prepared by not giving a cop any reason to flip the blue lights on behind you. And that means before you get in and begin your trip you are secure, besides your unsecured genitals, knowing you are otherwise legal except for your unclothedness. Be sure to follow the smart people's rule and walk around your vehicle to make sure all of your lights are properly functioning, an easier process with someone else inside working the controls as you do the inspection. If you are legal in every way, there's no valid reason for a pull-over. Then follow the laws to the letter. Use that little stick that protrudes from the left hand side of the steering column. It's called a "Turn Signal" in case you've forgotten it's there. Yes, that means every time you make a lane change, at every stop sign and signal, when entering and exiting a highway's access ramp, and as you come to a complete stop before leaving any parking lot. Stay within a few mph of the posted speed limit at all times. Respect other drivers as you would have them respect you. When you don't see the police is when they will see you breaking the law. The thing here is - keep your guard up if you wanna let your pants down. Give them absolutely no reason to pull you over and let those gonads breathe! Be the boyscout, be prepared if you've gotta do the deed.

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RE:Tips on driving in the nude

Today (25-Apr. 2024) I made nearly the entire 2.5-hour drive from Phoenix to Flagstaff (AZ for those of you who are geographically challenged) wearing nothing but a tank top and skimpy underwear. I would have driven nude if the weather was warmer. (Cold in AZ - blame climate change.) I put my shorts back on about 20 miles south of Flagstaff. I did so in the parking lot of a rest area. I've driven nude throughout various other states at other times (including VA), despite there apparently being severe laws against such. I don't see myself stopping anytime soon; as it is 100% obvious that the only motorists who may possibly notice that I am driving nude, couldn't care less or aren't offended enough to report me (truckers). Happy motoring to all.

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RE:Tips on driving in the nude

when i drove (naked of course), i draped a light blanket over the seat. i found this easier than using a towel, since it also will provide warmth on a cool night.
i still am naked as a passenger when permitted. for that, i usually sit on a towel.
drive and/or ride naked everyone!

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