River Island NSW
Who has been to River Island?
Easter long weekend upcoming events. All Welcome
Return to DiscussionsAPRIL 6/7/8/9
- Friday: 2pm Show and Shine Cars & 4WDs
- Static Display Love my car prizes
- Extra points for naked mascot
- Saturday : 9am Market Stalls at the Barn
- 2:30 pm Cooking Demonstration & Tastings
Vegetarian and Indian food. - 8pm Jive House Band
- Sunday: 10am 4WD NUDE MUSTER
- BYO Picnic Lunch
- 8pm Highlights of the 4WD Muster
On the big screen - 9pm Easter Platypus and disco
This topic was edited Invalid date
- 13 years ago
RE: Easter long weekend upcoming events. All Welcome
So did anyone go to RINR this weekend for Easter? How was it like? I don't think I'd ever go over a long weekend (crowds aren't really my thing) but it would be good to know that they're doing good business.
This post was edited Invalid date
- 12 years ago
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