Roommates: Looking/Needed

A place to post/look for nudist roommates.

Oakland/SF/East Bay Area

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Hello ! I am a TV Producer, nudist guy, and just accepted a job for a show that is produced out of SF/Bay Area called What Possibly Could Go Wrong? for the Science Channel.
Unfortunately, they are not paying for a place for me to stay. Im looking for hosts in or near San Francisco. Im need a host from April 11th until July 3rd, or any days that you could accommodate, would be amazing. Would it be possible to stay with you during this time? OR if you know of someone who needs a house sitter for some time during my stay That would be awesome too!
Looking forward to seeing and excited to hang out with you as well!See you soon!Tyler
PS Im respectable to other peoples houses and love taking care of pets and plants!

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