Rooster Rock State Park Fans

I think that the name speaks for itself - if you love Rooster Rock, Oregon, this is the place to be. Discussion topics can include ride shares out to the park, water levels, the park's natural beauty, weather conditions, etc.

Rooster Rock, conditions on June 11

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I rod emy bike out to Rooster Rock and foudn the water levels are dropping, but mos tof the trails are still flooded. If you hike out on the main trail to to near the end, there is now more than one trail which allows you to cut over to the lagoon (the area between the South Shore and Sand island).
On my way out a lady told me that soem peopel wade out on the Dragon Fly Trail (the name of hte large trail that is the firt to cut over to the beach area), and that water will come up to just above a persons waist level, is cold were the water is flowing and warm where it is still. It is probably not a good idea to cut over that way if you have a lot to carry. Also you won't be able to see the bottom under the water.
To check water levels online go to,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
ON June 11 the water level was at a vertical axis on the chart of 9, the previous time I was there on may 22, it was at a 12. Even today the water level as the chart shows seems to have gone down since my last visit.

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