RUDE Moderators

this group is for all nudist to whom moderators and Jackieinoz kick without any sufficient reason jackieinoz is rude, sadistic, against freedom speech and expression

Banned by kiwi_nudist for taking part in a...

2020-09-08 Message to Teamtrue1: "Once again I was just banned by kiwi_nudist for taking part in a conversation that even the mod himself commented on. The comment by the mod was that cockrings are a sex aid, my comment copied and pasted from...

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This moderator bans people for personal reasons having nothing to do with the chat rules. Women who violate the rules are treated with impunity but men, especially gay men, are banned for no reason; especially if they happen to be blessed with a...

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tony53 is the biggest asshole out of all the moderators. Who's bright idea was it to make him a mod? What a joke!

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Dear gents, your moderator JACKIEOZ or similar) kicked me off yesterday afternoon from the main chat room with no explications. I was away for a moment and when i back i was off with no way to discuss or talk with some one. In your TERM OF USE from... is against SATANISM

moderator Jackieinoz kicked out me bcoz i write SATANIST in main room on tn.why there is no freedom, is that word offending anyone?i never harass anyone, nor anyone ever complain

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