RUDE Moderators

this group is for all nudist to whom moderators and Jackieinoz kick without any sufficient reason jackieinoz is rude, sadistic, against freedom speech and expression

Banned by kiwi_nudist for taking part in a conversation re: cockrings

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2020-09-08 Message to Teamtrue1:
"Once again I was just banned by kiwi_nudist for taking part in a conversation that even the mod himself commented on. The comment by the mod was that cockrings are a sex aid, my comment copied and pasted from wikipedia was "cockring: Genital adornment is another purpose, as is repositioning the genitals to provide an enhanced appearance." and I was swiftly banned. For what it's worth several other people in the room were commenting on the use of a cockring at nudist places. Just another display of this mod giving preferential treatment to some while exercising a personal vendetta by banning others. You'll find it in the chatlogs."

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