Rugby World Cup - 2011

For Rugby Union Both sides of the equator. For the 6 Nations, Tri/4 nations and those who aspire to the animals game played by gentlemen!

All BLacks V Fance

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Hmmm will not be a walk over i feel for the AB;s thinking of going to the Pub in Haymarkt where the AB's supporters all meet up....

Blixi whats your thughts? as R is on the road at the moment
Meb? what do you think

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RE: All BLacks V Fance

Bev...I'm on the sideline looking in. I can't root for the AB because it's most likely that we will meet them again in the finals! They are a "dangerous" team.....

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RE: All BLacks V Fance

HMMM not sure if they are dangerous or not.. if they can keep it together and not go on walk about!!! this is the dangerous time as we head closer into the final.. they tend to relax too much and loose focus... if they can keep it together we have a chance.. France are dangerous...
R IS BACK here wahoo on our wednesday S* S*S yes i am

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RE: All BLacks V Fance

If it wasn't for the fact that I play in a golf tournament tomorrow I would maybe get up to watch the game! They play 4:00 AM our time!

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RE: All BLacks V Fance

listening to the game on audio on net.. AB's 19 France 0 at half time
sounds a good game dam wishi had gone to watch it.. grrr

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RE: All BLacks V Fance

GOOD Game if the All Blacks keep that game play up they will win the cup .. added bonus the NZ League team is in the final for the Aus league next weeknd as well


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RE: All BLacks V Fance

Easy now Bevereley....they first have to get by the Boks to get the cup......

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RE: All BLacks V Fance

Are we all set for round 2 - The decider?

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