Running Nudists

A group for those of us who think running is a nice way to exercise. Do not think there are so many of us who are able to run naked as the group is for both naked and clothed runners.

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State Line Streak 5k

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I am thinking of participating in the State Line Streak at White Thorn Lodge this Saturday. This is the second year in which they have put this event on. Did anyone here do this race last year and if so, can you provide a review? I have been looking for reviews on line but have found none. I am just wondering if it is worth making about a 4-hour drive.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: State Line Streak 5k

I have not heard of this run, when is it. My wife and I will be in Upstate NY in August. I have done some nude 5K's in TX would be fun to incorporate one into our vacation.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: State Line Streak 5k

I never of this nude 5K either. Would really like to run in it. Since I missed the nude 5K at Turtle lake in June, because of car problems. But it's a 9 1/2 drive for me haha.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: State Line Streak 5k

The race is Sat. July 13 at White Thorn Lodge in Darlington, PA, which is northwest of Pittsburgh, near the Ohio state line. I would like to know more about the race before I commit to making the drive. I can't get a sense from their promotional material of how many runners they draw and I haven't found any comments when I google it. I'm not interested in running 5k with only 4 or 5 others.

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  • 12 years ago