Running Nudists

A group for those of us who think running is a nice way to exercise. Do not think there are so many of us who are able to run naked as the group is for both naked and clothed runners.

Future Nude 5k List

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Does anyone have a list of 2018 nude 5k races? It may be too early, but I'm planning on doing at least one or two next season and wanted to take a gander at what resorts were offering these things. Chime in and let me know where you may have run one in 2017. I ran the Dare to Bare 5k at White Tail Resort in June 2017 and now I'm hooked! Please share.

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RE:Future Nude 5k List

In the Seattle area, I'm sure that the Tiger Mountain club will be doing their Bare Buns Fun Run again, in July usually; I ran in it some 20 years ago. I haven't run it since due to schedule conflicts and other issues but it was fun and well-organised.

I think there's a club north of Spokane that does a fun run as well; I've never been there.

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RE:Future Nude 5k List

Here is the list for AANR's Southwest region.

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RE:Future Nude 5k List

I help Bruce with the calendar. If you see an event not in there, post a link to the race.


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