Running Nudists

A group for those of us who think running is a nice way to exercise. Do not think there are so many of us who are able to run naked as the group is for both naked and clothed runners.

I just signed up to run the nude 5K at Lake Como Resort in Lutz, Florida. Has anyone else signed up?

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RE:Lake Como 5K

To bad didn't live closer. Would join you on your 5k naked hike.

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RE:Lake Como 5K

I just signed up. Looking forward to a fun day in the Florida sun!

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RE:Lake Como 5K

when is it?

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RE:Lake Como 5K

Ill be there too

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RE:Lake Como 5K

I signed up as well. My first visit to Lake Como, and my first nude 5k!

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RE:Lake Como 5K

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RE:Lake Como 5K

Unfortunately I'll be in the French Quarter in New Orleans that weekend. Maybe next year.

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RE:Lake Como 5K

Good for you wish I was there still cold and snowy up here in NH

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RE:Lake Como 5K

The French Quarter they probably would not mind if you ran your own naked 5K right there

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RE:Lake Como 5K

Nice run. Great day at Lake Como Resort. Mnay from TN there.

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