Sauna Nudists

This group is for people who enjoy being nude in a sauna. A profile picture is required.

Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

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I have not, ever, and, I think I would love the opportunity to visit a nude sauna. So, if you know where any are, please share.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

I have not, ever, and, I think I would love the opportunity to visit a nude sauna. So, if you know where any are, please share.

Most saunas are nude. Try most of Europe, Scandinavia, etc. Where have you tried?

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

I don't believe I've ever been to a sauna that didn't allow nudity. I always had a towel to wrap around me which is in keeping with nude etiquette I think. So...well, maybe I don't understand the question.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

I don't believe I've ever been to a sauna that didn't allow nudity. I always had a towel to wrap around me which is in keeping with nude etiquette I think. So...well, maybe I don't understand the question.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

I don't believe I've ever been to a sauna that didn't allow nudity. I always had a towel to wrap around me which is in keeping with nude etiquette I think. So...well, maybe I don't understand the question.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

Thee is a sauna at my local gym. The locker rooms have separate saunas and its actually encouraged to have only a towel or nude.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

The gym I belonged to had their saunas in the locker rooms also.
Towels only were allowed, but full nudity was not.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

I go to a local sauna that is men only and the sauna is always naked, why would you wear anything in such a hot environment

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

I go to a local sauna that is men only and the sauna is always naked, why would you wear anything in such a hot environment

I agree but a lot of gym managers require it and even when they don't some members wear something.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

Dillons Russian Steam in Chelsea Massachusetts.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

Best way to experience nudity in sauna n is to get one of your own. With a personal sauna you can wear as little or as much clothing as you want. They are very affordable of you are or want to be regular sauna user. The health benefits of sauna are many from fitness recovery to detox. No need to hunt down a public sauna to be naked, unless there are other reasons.

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