Sauna Nudists

This group is for people who enjoy being nude in a sauna. A profile picture is required.

Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

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I have not, ever, and, I think I would love the opportunity to visit a nude sauna. So, if you know where any are, please share.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

Wilbur Hot Springs, about 40 miles due north of the Napa Valley, has a sauna you can use nude. The resort allows clothing-optional use of the tubs, pool and sauna. I just spent a few days there and used the sauna nude twice.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

Harbin Hot Springs in Middletown is fully nude in the pools, hot springs and sauna.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

There are dozens in Germany and many more in the Netherlands and Belgium.

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RE:Who has actually found a sauna that allowed nudity?.

Quite awhile ago, I used to travel a lot to Germany flying out of Chicago. I used to go to the airport early so I could use the gym at the hotel to get a hard workout before the flight so i could sleep on the plane. Gym had a good sauna and I would workout and take a shower and head to the sauna with just a towel around my waist. Since this is a huge international airport I figured I could do as I should in Germany and just sit on the towel. Do a good sweat, shower and go to my flight. Only once was I spoken to about being nude, by the gym staff { you were supposed to wear a suit}, I responded in German that I was sorry - just used to being nude in sauna was normal. There was another man in the sauna who translated for me. I covered up, the man spoke and said he was glad I was brave enough to go nude, I told him I am trying to normalize nudity, He said good luck and headed out the door, dropping his towel on the way out

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