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Nudity in science fiction

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There used to be frequent nudity in science fiction stories. Older examples include works of Robert Heinlein (a nudist himself), L. Sprague De Camp, Doc Smith, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Philip Jose Farmer, Theodore Sturgeon, James Tiptree, Norman Spinrad, and John Varley.

Two questions:

1. What are the best stories that feature nudity of those older authors?

2. What more recent science fiction authors have stories where nudity is a significant element?

I haven't read many recent authors, so I'm looking for suggestions. I've read very little in the fantasy genre, but I think authors like Piers Anthony have often used nudity. Feel free to mention works in that genre.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Nudity in science fiction

That's hard. When I think back on all the sci-fi/fantasy I have read, I can think of only two cases where nudity was common - the Conan series and in Piers Anthony's books. I'm curious to read more stories were nudity is a larger part of the story, to see how they work it in.

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  • 5 years ago