Segregated Nudity At The Y.M.C.A.

This group is for males who remember when or wish nudity was back in the Y.M.C.A.. But not just nudity. Segregated Nudity. This group is based on the blog,

Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

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Just a random question. Is it incorrect to hope for a similar authoritative obligation for men to be naked in the gym/pools? A gender separated one, but with no exceptions. Just like it was back then. Males have to swim and workout naked. That would create so much body positivity and would be a huge bonding experience. As "against the free-will" as it might sound, over-time it could be as simple and common as "don't flush the baby wipes in the toilet", or "no using the treadmil with sandals or flip-flops". For outdoor activities and gender-combined activities, it can still be as it is. But for all the sports centers, schools and universities, national team practice clubs, etc., men will HAVE to be naked. No exemption.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

From what I have read, back then nudity was mandatory in pools in many male only locations. Some facilities allowed nudity for other athletic activities, but didn't require it.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Back when I went to school
5th grade we had all boy swim class and and no suites but had a woman swim teacher , I remember going home and telling my mother we swam and no suites she didn't think anything of it . 6th grade was mixed we wore suites

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Well think about it. The olympics.were held and all the participants were nude. Except for sandals !

Then we had the YMCA, that men were required to be nude in the pool. Women were not allowed in that facility. They had the YWCA, not sure what they were required to wear. But we had to have more equity between sexs. They had to know what was going on in a mens only club. Remember the movies showing them going into those places and hearing. Madam there has never been a woman in here in a hundred years !

I guess rugby was played nude. Made more sense clothes were ripped off or used to hold the opponent. From running. I am not sure about wrestling ?

Now we have the gay spas for men to be together to work out. Plus theres saunas and hot tubs !

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

I'm not so much a fan as making it a system wide requirement. I am a BIG fan of having special places where nudity is required, but joining is voluntary. Take a current day spa that requires nudity but if you don't agree, you don't have to join. Same with gyms, athletic events, etc. I'm more a fan of free will and choices than the alternative (although society generally mandates that we remain clothed in public and most other settings.) Great question!

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Some men have posted that when some YMCA s rented rooms, some of the residents would strip as soon as they were in for the night, swim, work out, run on the indoor track, play basketball, etc. and not dress again until they were leaving the next morning.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Some men have posted that when some YMCA s rented rooms, some of the residents would strip as soon as they were in for the night, swim, work out, run on the indoor track, play basketball, etc. and not dress again until they were leaving the next morning.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Some men have posted that when some YMCA s rented rooms, some of the residents would strip as soon as they were in for the night, swim, work out, run on the indoor track, play basketball, etc. and not dress again until they were leaving the next morning.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Some men have posted that when some YMCA s rented rooms, some of the residents would strip as soon as they were in for the night, swim, work out, run on the indoor track, play basketball, etc. and not dress again until they were leaving the next morning.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

Some men have posted that when some YMCA s rented rooms, some of the residents would strip as soon as they were in for the night, swim, work out, run on the indoor track, play basketball, etc. and not dress again until they were leaving the next morning.

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RE:Bringing back the obligatory nudity for men

imo society is being ruined and indoctrinated there are only two sexes male and female and I'm old school and believe there are times guys need to be with guys and gals to be with gals. Boy Scouts , YMCA , PE class for the gals YWCA , Girl Scouts and PE class with only biological girls . I didn't join the Y till 1976 and so disappointed that it was coed , maybe 2 miles down the road was YWCA and they had everything but men and boys there ? and sure i'm all for coed things but they're should be a line .

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