Self Timers
For those who take naked photos of themselves using a self timer
Phone app
Return to DiscussionsI am using the selftimer as a app on my phone, super handy and you can set up at time, and he will counting it down before taking the picture.... happy with it!!
- 4 years ago
I use that too at times. I even sometimes use a similar function on my tablet and being able to clearly see the counter and images can be helpful. But the tablet and a phone can be more challenging to prop up at the angle I want.
- 4 years ago
I sometimes use the video function of the phone and then select a frame grab from the raw footage.
- 4 years ago
I sometimes use the video function of the phone and then select a frame grab from the raw footage.
Thats a pretty good hack for getting natural non posed looking photos
- 3 years ago
My profile is light on pictures. This may be the solution!
- 3 years ago
I have an Android and loaded Camera Zoom and use the interval shooting feature. You can set the time interval between shots and how many to take. I also have that feature on my cameras.
- 3 years ago
I have an Android and loaded Camera Zoom and use the interval shooting feature. You can set the time interval between shots and how many to take. I also have that feature on my cameras.
Good tip
- 3 years ago
I find myself using the GoPro phone app more and more these days which results in many of my pictures showing me with my phone in my hand.
- 3 years ago