Self Timers

For those who take naked photos of themselves using a self timer

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Where would any of us be without a self-timer?
I've seen some great gear that amazes me, like a remote phone or tablet that acts like a monitor & shutter release for the camera many feet away. Amazing. But for now, I'm happy with my Samsung galaxy pro 9" & 12" tablets. I find having a laptop is crucial for editing these potential gems. Especially when having my flat screen TV to view them on.
Well, 'nuff said here

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RE:New Member of this group

Yup i find the self-timer function (be it a camera, a hand-phone cam or a tablet) very useful as i'm almost always alone on an outdoor nude activity. The self-timer also allows me to prepare myself the best pose for the shoot. So far i'm satisfied with the outcome and the photos turn out well.

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RE:New Member of this group

All my pics are taken with self timer camera or phone... Coz the same reasons... I wonder
in nude alone.

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