Self Timers

For those who take naked photos of themselves using a self timer

New Member of this group

Where would any of us be without a self-timer? I've seen some great gear that amazes me, like a remote phone or tablet that acts like a monitor & shutter release for the camera many feet away. Amazing. But for now, I'm happy with my Samsung...

All my pictures are done with a timer.

I wish they could turn out better. Anybody have any ideas? Other than lose some weight.

Looking for a new camera, any ideas?

Looking for a new camera with self timer of course. Don't want to break the bank as this camera goes kayaking, boating, fishing, ca,ping, hiking, etc. Rain, saltwater splash, sand, etc get on the camera. Don't abuse it but don't baby it...

Identify your photos

Please use the caption facility under your photos in the gallery to identify yourself and your photos. It is the keyboard icon - 2nd from the left under the photos.


I would love to upload some pics to the group, but TN on mobile, will only allow me to view, not interract :-( I am a technonincompoop btw, so please make any advice simple to understand!

El Paso visit

I've just added a couple of pictures I took at a friend's house in El Paso last week.

New pics

Just uploaded some new self timer shots not I've worked out how to set the timer. :) Me in the garden trying out the new sprinkler, will try and get my head in any other pics I take. ;)


doe any one know if u can use selfi sticks with a normal camera

New Boy Here

Hello everyone, new boy here but not to naturalism. Just finding my way around. I hail from SE UK just south of London. Looking forward to meeting some like minded folk.


There are some positions I can't get into in the 10 sec allowed on a self timer. I found a mobile phone (cellphone) selfie stick with a remote control. The bit that holds the phone attaches to the top of a tripod. So now I can set my phone up...