For People who Like to take Nude Pictures of Themselves.
Public nude pics. has a cost.
Return to DiscussionsI had my security camera set on the driveway. When the UPS truck pulled up 300' driveway I was nude, It's private property so I took the package from the driver while nude. The driver didn't say anything so all was well. The package was a small box weighing less than a pound. A few days later the UPS driver delivered two big boxes weighing 50 lbs. each. The UPS driver did not drive up the driveway. Instead he left the two heavy packages on the driveway about one quarter of the way up the driveway. At the top of my driveway there is a large place for the truck to turn around. The UPS drivers always drive up the driveway and leave the packages at the house door. I'm thinking the UPS driver didn't want to encounter a naked man so he unloaded the two packages on the driveway. He left the packages about 70 feet up from the street. That means he had to either back the truck up the driveway or hand carry the packages. It would have been a lot easier and faster for him to drive all the way up the driveway. When I found the packages on the driveway, I had to carry the packages up the driveway. I hope the next delivery makes it to the house door.
- 4 years ago
Good news! Yesterday, Nov. 21, I was driving my tractor, naked of course, when a small delivery vehicle drove up the driveway with a small one pound package. The good news is that the package wasn't dropped off part way up the driveway. Perhaps there is hope that in the future the larger packages will be left at my door instead of part way up the driveway. The delivery guy handed the box to my wife as I drove by in my tractor. (No my wife was not nude, I was the only nude one)
- 4 years ago