Shaved Truenudist That Are CERTIFIE

Not fake real people

Wax/sugaring vs Shaving

I'm sort of taking an informal poll to see how many use waxing or sugaring instead of shaving. If so, do you have a professional do it or do it yourself? We use Alexandria sugar instead of shaving. Last so much longer and it grows back thinner...


we are on there now and then as randkcouple


I just got waxed and i shave my legs and my wife and I love it


i read oncethat it is better fora man to be hard when he shaves

Shaved legs or unshaved? What do you ladies...

Evening everyone! this is something thats been on my mind for a while i ve discovered that being shaved on the chest it feels much much nicer smoother and even sexier. i know that many girls like it but what about the legs? Do u like shaved legs on...

Laser Razor

A link to a crowd-funded project for a laser razor, something that shaved nudists may well find very useful if the project works out: Disclaimer - I have no link...

Shaved legs or unshaved? What do you ladies...

Evening everyone! this is something thats been on my mind for a while

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