For all who like nudism but they are shy!
very shy
Return to Discussionsnew to this I am male 57 scotland bit worried about size compared to you guys wouldnt want to meet and compare them you would laugh
- 14 years ago
omg, i feel the same way,i was not blessed with a good size,alot of time friends laughed at me for being so well? small looking for guys who can understand me cool i found this group
- 14 years ago
maybe compare them someday lol
- 14 years ago
I use to worry about my size compared to others, but I figured this is what God gave me, so might as well make the most of it, "IT's" the only one I have. I usually figure I am smaller then most, others tell me I am rather large, so I guess I am more along the lines of average, but like I said, It's the only one I have.
- 14 years ago
same boat, never had a lady complain, wife is happy with it, so i guess it is fine.
- 14 years ago
always been concious of being over weight and under equipped, so reluctant to go public. The team at TN have been great for helping boost the confidence. maybe one day will take the big step and go public
- 14 years ago
i see guys that we all have or had similar problems.
i managed to overcome these problemsand to build self-confidence. and i can give you friendly advice on how to do it.
please call me at SKYPE. my SKYPE id is: maxtisch2.
- 14 years ago
I would not laugh who am I to judge when I am also small tiny down there, I'll be your friend 100% and not judge you. And me as a friend and look at my tiny pickle lol. Cesar
- 11 years ago
new to this I am male 57 scotland bit worried about size compared to you guys wouldnt want to meet and compare them you would laugh
This Should Not be a Problem... I have seen Many men with Smaller ones and Much Bigger Ones Than Me...Just Enjoy Yourself.
- 9 years ago