Skinny Dipping
For all those who enjoy a dip au naturel or wild swimming (in lakes, rivers etc)in the buff.
Hotel Skinny-dipping
Return to DiscussionsHow many of us skinny-dip in hotel pools whenever we can create an opportunity.
I find that many hotel pools are unused before breakfast and sometimes late mornings when people have gone out sightseeing and have managed a discreet skinny-dip in almost all the hotels I have stayed in over the last five years.
I have also managed to use the sauna, steam room and hot tub naked on many occasions.
I will upload some of the photographs which I have taken to the group media..
living dangerously, my friends.I fail to understand what can be dangerous about swimming in hotel pools. Still, warmed, properly filtered clean water with no dangerous current or waves and limited by safety regulations to a depth in which you can stand up if you get cramp or have other such problems.The only potential hazard that I can think of is a heart attack or stroke and that could happen anywhere you are alone.How about being seen by management and being told to pack up and leave the premises?
I've been seen so many times I can't remember them all and there have never been repercussions.
living dangerously, my friends.I fail to understand what can be dangerous about swimming in hotel pools. Still, warmed, properly filtered clean water with no dangerous current or waves and limited by safety regulations to a depth in which you can stand up if you get cramp or have other such problems.The only potential hazard that I can think of is a heart attack or stroke and that could happen anywhere you are alone.How about being seen by management and being told to pack up and leave the premises?I've been seen so many times I can't remember them all and there have never been repercussions.
Seen by hotel employees?
living dangerously, my friends
I fail to understand what can be dangerous about swimming in hotel pools. Still, warmed, properly filtered clean water with no dangerous current or waves and limited by safety regulations to a depth in which you can stand up if you get cramp or have other such problems.The only potential hazard that I can think of is a heart attack or stroke and that could happen anywhere you are alone.
How about being seen by management and being told to pack up and leave the premises?
I've been seen so many times I can't remember them all and there have never been repercussions.
Seen by hotel employees?
Definitely - monitored by CCTV and also met full frontal when walking from the pool to the changing room.
Also seen by the employee who brought me a towel when the fresh towels had not been replenished.
Tried for the first time at the small set of apartments where we were staying. Near midnight, no cameras, just with all the darkened apartments looking over the outdoor pool as I silently paddled. Was nude when walking to and from the pool, too. 'Twas quite nice.
Relatives were staying at a nearby complex and I got to try their hot tub and pool which was partly opwn to the sky in the midst of the structure. The thought of removing my suit crossed my mind but the combination of the main walkway being adjacent, the pool being lit within the water, cameras and my niece due to return soon was enough to discourage me feom trying. As it was, my bright yellow swimsuit really got highlighted by the underwater lights.
I have more than once. It was always at night. Once was a hotel in California. I joked with the front desk girl about having not packed a suit but wanting to swim. She was kinda shy and didnt seem to know what to say, but she didnt say not to. I game brown to the pool later and got in the hot tub nude. After a little bit, I decided to swim a few laps and walked nude over to the pool, swam, then came back to the hot tub. No one ever came to the pool.
Another time, same state but different hotel I went to soak in the hot tub. I was sitting nude when another guest showed up and got in. Its funny because he worked for the hotel chain corporate offices. As the time approached that the timer was going to run out, I told him I was actually nude, so he ,at want to get out and reset the timer. He was a little surprised initially, but then got a kick out of it!
I used to work part time for a company on weekends at another location away from my home store. I was put up at a hotel that had an inside pool . The pool was open at 6am 7 days a week closing at 10pm. I would go to the pool on Sunday morning at 6am, throwing a bikini with 1" sides the first time. very narrow front that was unlined in a soft blue, becoming transparent when wet. Swam for about 30 minutes when another man came to the pool and jumped in and started doing laps. Didn't notice at first, but he was wearing a yellow thong. After observing him in the thong and not noting any sort of tan line I caught his attention when he took a breather at the end of a lap. I asked him why a thong ? his response was he normally swims nude, but saw me in the pool and said he thought he better wear something. With that I slipped my suit off and tossed it over my head and started swimming again. Couple of laps later we stopped again and he too was nude. We completed our swim completely nude and went to the locker room to wash the chlorine off and change to {towels only} return to our rooms. He was in the hall that had windows onto the pool area, suggested with future stays I should request a room in that hall. We met a couple of other times at the pool for swims. When checking out one occasion the manager complimented me on by comfort level {his words were balls at being nude, which he complimented me on- pointing at the pool area cameras} at being nude in the pool area, I explained that I spent a lot of time in Germany and very comfortable with the FKK society the last time I stayed at the hotel i was requested to wear a suit the next time by a female doing checkout. Always looking for hotles and saunas that are relaxed with nudity.
How about being seen by management and being told to pack up and leave the premises?
I forgot to add to my previous answer to this question that management are not going to throw out a paying guest, potentially losing money. Equally, other members of staff are not going to report you when it will probably involve extra work on their part when they are probably already busy enough.
This is especially true in the UK where nudity in public is lawful unless you intend to cause alarm and distress. This is a very high threshold and mere dislike or annoyance is insufficient. No contested case has ever succeeded.
How this would play out if other guests complained to management is, of course, an unknown quantity. I therefore prefer to have the pool to myself and make sure I can discreetly put my swimsuit on if I am joined in the pool.