Skinny Dipping

For all those who enjoy a dip au naturel or wild swimming (in lakes, rivers etc)in the buff.

Hotel Skinny-dipping

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How many of us skinny-dip in hotel pools whenever we can create an opportunity.
I find that many hotel pools are unused before breakfast and sometimes late mornings when people have gone out sightseeing and have managed a discreet skinny-dip in almost all the hotels I have stayed in over the last five years.

I have also managed to use the sauna, steam room and hot tub naked on many occasions.

I will upload some of the photographs which I have taken to the group media..

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

How about being seen by management and being told to pack up and leave the premises?I forgot to add to my previous answer to this question that management are not going to throw out a paying guest, potentially losing money.

I would think what you say should be true, but I have been told to leave one home improvement store and a few convenience stores because I wasn't wearing a shirt. One of the convenience stores was across the street from a beach.

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