Smooth Nudist
for all who love the felling of being smooth
Smooth nudists at Maslins Beach
Return to DiscussionsHad a great weekend at Maslins Beach recently Down the south end is a good spot with some interesting sights.
Any interest in elaborating upon this single sentence post? What was so darned interesting about the view? Can we assume this post is talking about some specific nudists, or their activities, or is it something different about the natural environment of Maslins in general?
It would seem to me that naked folks who don't have any hair downstairs is now too common a sight on any nude beach to warrant calling it 'interesting'. Had they shaved their pubic hair in some unusual shape for the Valentine's holiday or something? Or were they doing the 'happy baby' yoga position in unison to show off their missing hair to all passersby? That would be interesting...and probably draw some gawkers.