Social Events In Northern Ireland

This is a chance for people within Northern Ireland to expand their naturist experiences in a social setting. This is open to anyone who enjoys the practice of naturism and lives within Northern Ireland or indeed Ireland.

Happy Nude New Year

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Amazing that we are now in 2025 with things in Northern Ireland improving daily for Naturism in Northern Ireland. This is down to the amazing work of our very own British Naturism (BN) Directors Gary & Noreen and all the members and friends of British Naturism Northern Ireland (BNNI)

If you are interested in finding out more about Naturism in Northern Ireland please do get in touch. Each month there are different events taking place from dancing to yoga. You don't have to be Fred or Ginger to attend, it's about having fun and enjoying life and taking the most of every opportunity.

Have a look at our website Get in touch and someone will be in touch with you shortly.

For me personally naturism has improved my self acceptance of who I am. We all want that perfect body but really what is a perfect body. When I am a nudist beach and I am looking around I see that I am normal most people do not look that different to me or me to them. Let naturism help you to learn to love and accept yourself.

If you are female and worried about naked in front of males - there is events run a various time throughout the year for ladies only, so you can start slow and work at your place to where you feel ready and able to take the next step.

If you have any questions, please do ask, no question is a silly questions as if your are thinking about it chances are someone else is too.

Looking forward 2025 and Naturism in Northern Ireland.

N.B. Some events are run along with our friends in the Irish Naturist Association (INA)

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