South African Foodie Nudies

The group is for people who like good food, good music, good art and all other good things. We thought we might meet in turn at different peoples houses and enjoy their cooking or alternatively, bring-a-plate. We are in Gauteng but visitors will be welcome.

Greetings Durban people

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Hi all, great site. We Newbies to this. Any of you guys in Durban?

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RE: Greetings Durban people

Sorry, no. We are in Johannesburg and the other guy is in the Netherlands. If you come to Johannesburg let us know, maybe we can get together for coffee or something.

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RE: Greetings Durban people

Soirry, should have thought. There are 2 nudist places fairly near to us, one quite a long way away and another a very long way away. The last is closish to Sun City but further west towards Swartruggens and is only open on weekends.

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