South Coast NSW

Group for people who visit or live in the South Coast Of NSW Australia

Legal , Fare South Coast Nudist Beaches.

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Armands Bay
Armands is one of the most beautiful nudist beaches in Australia. Set in its own bay, it is so enjoyable you can sit back, watch, and listen to the surf roll in or watch dolphins surfing. In season y

Australia For Everyone: Canberra - Kambah Pool
Kambah Pool. Kambah Pool is a secluded and peaceful reserve on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River in the Tuggeranong district of Canberra. Open daily, 24 hours. Free admission. Attractions include scenic picnic spots, golden beaches, rock pools and nudist areas. Clearly signposted and about 200m downstream from the northern car park, the nude ...
Canberra Nudist Club, (Near Bungendore N.S.W).

ACTNC - Home - Welcome to the ACT Nudist Club
The ACT Nudist Club is now open again to members and visitors. You may visit the the ACT Nudist Club provided that ACT and NSW COVID-19 arrangements that apply to you allow you to d

Hello everyone, I would like to add non legal Beaches that are quiet, on here as well/
I would like us to start putting nude farm stays and costings if possible.
I am hoping to start up a social Group here on the Fare South Coast. I hope this information helps in some way

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