Spa Nudists
People who like to be naked at spas. Please exchange your favorite spas so we can plan our naked vacations around them too. :)
first spa visit
Return to Discussionsjust had my first spa visit, 4 days at the silver leigh nudist spa in sevenoaks kent uk. was a bit surprised staff very nice but some of the guests used it just as a nice whore house. mixed age range, mixed sex but fridays was couples day/night and got a bit rowdy in the dark rooms. not a prude by any means had i been younger and healthier i may have ventured in. lots of day visitors as it is close to London.
- 5 years ago
sounds like my sort of place , shame so far away
- 4 years ago
In 2002 mt ex GF booked a couples massage at a spa. We went to the different pools to relax and then the showers prior to the massage. I went to the men's locker room to hit the steam room and sauna before the shower. I'd say 1/4 of the guys were nude, as I went to the steam room I took my bathrobe off to hang outside the door and was naked, had a strange look from a guy in the hot tub and 1 or 2 other strange looks when I walked into the steam room carrying my towel. I layed my towel out and sat on it. 2 of the guys left and the other 3 said finally and opened their towels as well...
In 2014 I was going to Vegas for a work conference, I looked for a Spa for the wife and I, that was not at the hotel before we went out there. I found a place called Imperial Spa, looked nice so I checked them out on travel advisor.. The reviews were mixed and what I mean by mixed is that a good number of people were shocked to find out that NUDITY was REQUIRED.... Looked like my kinda place. We went there, at the check in desk they gave us sandals, terry cloth shorts, a terry cloth top and a locker key, we were pointed in the direction of the men's and women's looker room area. The lady said as soon as you go in you have to remove your shoes and place them in the locker that we gave you the key for, prior to entering the main locker room, she then said NUDITY IS MANDATORY in the locker room area, showers, hot tubs, sauna, steam rooms and in all other areas of the "locker room" area. She then stated, you have to put the shorts and shirt on to go upstairs to the coed area. I have to say it was an awesome experience and every time we go to Vegas we spend 4-5 hours there... Nothing better than a group of guys hanging out naked talking about everything under the sun..
- 4 years ago
That place sounds great!! About how much was it to spend hours at the spa and for the massage?
- 4 years ago
I had a friend that love to go there, she would dive in lol
I first experience of spas came in Germany. Mixed sex, nude and just amazing. I walked into one spa that was so streamy that I failed to spot the two gentlemen enjoy oral sex until it cleared some..In my innocence I apologised and quickly left. I wouldnt be in such a hurry now lol
- 4 years ago