Spa Nudists
People who like to be naked at spas. Please exchange your favorite spas so we can plan our naked vacations around them too. :)
Spa World September 5th
Return to DiscussionsHello everyone, how about some spa time during Labor Day Weekend. Instead of the last Saturday of the month lets get together during Labor day weekend. It is Saturday September 5th. Lets get there early and stay late. The spa is open 24/7. Getting there about 9 AM, when usually very few guys are in the bathhouse area. If you like it when it is busier then stay late. They usually have a good group there sometime after 3 pm. There is a good restaurant at the spa so you don't have to leave the spa. If you want to workout and lift weights then they have that also but bring another pair of shoes in your bag for the gym. Lets have a good tn get together that is fun and relaxing. Spa World is in Centreville VA near the Washington DC area.
- 10 years ago