Spa Nudists
People who like to be naked at spas. Please exchange your favorite spas so we can plan our naked vacations around them too. :)
atlanta spas?
Return to DiscussionsTry Jeju Sauna near Atlanta. On this site under the heading "locations" you will find some information about the place. From what I have heard from others that have been there that it is a good place to enjoy a good nude Korean bathhouse.
Would like to see many other ATL nudists at Je Ju on Saturday afternoon 12/31 from about noon or 1 pm until about 4 or 5 pm. Many folks talk about getting together; here is an opportunity to actually do it. Reply back if you'd like to make it.
One man other than myself showed up. That was awesome; but there were half a dozen other who said they'd be tner. Very disappointing. Thought many of youwanted to meet nude. I guesss that is more fantasy and less reality. Hard to kow on this forum who means it and who is blowing smoke. Would like to know.