Spa World-Northern Virginia (Active

For Men Primarily in the DC/MD/VA area (or who come this way) and enjoy the experience of Korean Spas. The owner of the previous group deleted his account years ago and I'd like to keep this current and active.....and moderated! Primary interest is socializing and organizing group meetups whenever possible. Guys, if you live on the other side of the planet and will likely not be able to point...

Swimwear in the wet room

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When I first started going to SW the wet room required nudity, that was actually one of the big things that drew my attention. Being able to be nude in a spa setting sounded awesome as I had never did that before. I believe its been about a year and a half now since they changed the rules and started allowing swimsuits in the wet room. Im happy to say that I could count on one hand the number of guys I have seen there actually wearing trunks. I thought by allowing guys to wear swim trunks more guys would come try out the facility, but honestly in the times I have been there since the chance in policy I've never seen more than 2 guys in the wet room in shorts. And I spend 6-8hrs there when I go, so plenty of time for guys to come and go and the vast majority are still remaining nude. I think that's great, goes to show that most of the men there enjoy the option of being nude.

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RE:Swimwear in the wet room

I've seen several men come in wearing suits on their first visit, and within half an hour or so they realize no one cares, so they take them off. I've even seen a few who walk in, and while they're taking a shower before hopping in the pool, they take it off and just go without. That's always a positive sign. Men draw more attention to themselves wearing bathing suits than nude. I can't even imagine how it feels when the jets hit that suit and tangle it up all sorts of ways.

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RE:Swimwear in the wet room

Ive seen the same thing happen.

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