SpaWorld Centerville VA

For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.

Site Report 8/10/2024

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I was at Spa World from opening until about 2 p.m. today. There were fewer people than I usually find there on a Saturday, probably due in part to this being the first sunny day that wasn't 95+ degrees in a while.

At any rate, the bade pool area was basically all nude the whole time. I saw one guy come in with a suit on early on in the day. I didn't see that suit around for long, but I wasn't paying close enough attention to know if he took the suit off and came back in or if he just took off, never to be seen again. When I was going to/from lunch, there was a guy walking around in the locker room wearing some trunks.

That was about it terms of suits, so it was much more like before when suits were not an option. Let's hope that this is the trend.

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RE:Site Report 8/10/2024

That is typical of my experiences there too. The guy with clothing is a rare sight. It makes no sense that guys who are uncomfortable being naked would be attracted to a Korean spa other than meat gazers.

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