SpaWorld Centerville VA
For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.
Warning: the entire men's wet area is closed, not just the bade pool. They "hope" to have it re-opened by next week but they have been "hoping" to have the bade pool re-opened for six months. Although with King Spa opening on...
I'm thinking of getting some naked time in on Labor Day. Anyone else going?
Men's bade pool is still closed and they don't seem to be in much of a hurry to get it re-opened. Not only that but they continue to charge full price even with no bade pool. Don't they realize Spa King is opening soon? You'd think...
I just spoke with them and they hope to open the pools by the end of May. The restaurant may still be closed unless plans change but everything else will be open. Fingers crossed!
Found this place called Spa world. Any dudes heading there Saturday?
Hopefully going June 18th weekend. Does anyone know if everything is open again? Is it 24 hrs? Anyone planning on going that weekend?
anyone from Raleigh area interested ? anyone else near Spa World want to join and meet new people
The new place, King Spa, has set their grand opening date as March 7. They say they will not open then if they can't open 100% but it's looking pretty positive. That of course means, Spa World would be able to open as well. We'll just...
Spa World has reopened their wet area according to their website. My guess is they will be a lot stricter about enforcing the maximum occupancy. I can't see how they could operate like they did before Covid as it was often overcrowded. Tubs that...
Since Spa World has not reopened their wet area, there is a Korean spa near Philly called Chung Dam spa that has an open wet area. I realize making the drive to Philly is not ideal and it is a much smaller facility than Spa World but its the best we...