SpaWorld Centerville VA

For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.

Questions & Meet up

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Lot's of questions but I really want to go. I've never been nude in front of people. This is like a big deal for me like growing up.
Yo i want know more about this place.
When is the best time to go?
When are the most people there and when is it empty?
Are mostly nudist there?
What kind of guys/ people go here?
Like what is ok and not ok in a bath house?
What if i get a hardon? What do I do? (not planning on it though)
Is it ok to talk to people while they are naked here?
How can you tell who is a nudist and who would be freaked out to talk about it?
Who is going soon?
I think i want to go next month. Prob morning or real late like 6pm-6am. Would be cool to meet.

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RE:Questions & Meet up

When is the best time to go? --- It is open 24 hours so go whenever. Tends to be busier Fri/Sat.
When are the most people there and when is it empty? --- Weekends and holidays are busiest. Sometimes during the week right after work there are more people.
Are mostly nudist there? --- It is fully nude in the wet areas of the bathhouse. You will wear an outfit (they provide) in the element rooms which are like dry saunas.
What kind of guys/ people go here? --- Literally any and everyone goes there. There's no standard just a big mix of people.
Like what is ok and not ok in a bath house? --- It's ok to relax, talk to someone, hang out, whatever. It's not ok to be a creep.
What if i get a hardon? What do I do? (not planning on it though) --- You probably won't and if you do you'll probably be under water so no big deal.
Is it ok to talk to people while they are naked here? --- Yes. Sometimes they talk back and sometimes they don't. Don't take it personal.
How can you tell who is a nudist and who would be freaked out to talk about it? --- Like, everyone's naked so that shouldn't be an issue.
Who is going soon? --- Hopefully soon just not exactly sure when.

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RE:Questions & Meet up

vbnudeguy gave a great rundown of the place. If you've never been nude with other people, this is a great place to try it out. Because it is a non-sexual place (people bring their kids sometimes) there is very little sexual energy and you shouldn't have a problem getting an erection. That being said, you do see some erections but it's not a big deal. They're natural! I don't know if it was mentioned or not, but there are separate naked areas for men and women. The co-ed spaces require the little outfit they provide. That's where the restaurant and element rooms are.

It can be a little awkward to talk to people, but I've generally found that people are friendly and willing to chat a little, especially in the hot tubs. Some people are there to relax and don't want to talk, so don't be offended if not everyone is chatty. I agree with vbnudeguy that talking about nudity is really easy there. I mean, you are all already naked! In my experience, if you see groups of guys who seem to know each other already, chances are they are nudists and are probably willing to share their experiences. Just introduce yourself.

Spa World is very relaxing and definitely worth the trip!

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