SpaWorld Centerville VA
For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.
Return to DiscussionsLets met Spa World on Saturday May 31st. This month has 5 Saturdays so we meet on the last Saturday just to make is easy for everybody. Use your Groupon this May 31st at Spa World. Get early and stay late. Making a day of it is a good way to get your money's worth since you are paying for up to 12 hours there. Good arrival time is 9 am until sometime after 5 pm. Get place to be nude and met some tn members. They do give you a uniform to wear in the communal area. You are only nude in the locker room area so only the men with the men nude and only women with women nude. All put on the uniform which is a shirt and shorts to be in the area where both men and women come together like in the restaurant there. Do not be shy but just relax and enjoy a different culture for the day.(sorry I will not be able to make it this month but I had a great time last month. I was there both the 26th and 27th of April. )
Thanks Hawk. Let's not forget that we TN members should wear a green silicone wrist band to help identify us. When you get a day pass for the spa at the front desk they will give you a key that is on a scrunchy. Some of the scrunchies are green but this wrist band is different. So this is a different wrist band that for some of the tn members wear. Most wear a plain silicone green wrist band in addition to the key wrist band.