Spiritual Naturists

If you like to read about spiritual values, and practice in the nude without sexual connotations. Any religions are welcome. Meditation, yoga and prayer alone or together.

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Nude yoga events in Andalucia

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Hi all beautiful souls,
This fall, Casa Pantha and Naked Healing Touch prepared some special workshops, designed especially for you, nude yogis. Check out the program, choose your elixir or come to all ;-) Here are the links:


If you have a week or 10 days free and willing to take advantage of it to do more yoga, you can combine 2 of the last 3 events events to create a 10 days yogescapade. For example, you can come to the event FROM DUALITY TO UNITY and stay the entire week, enjoy the house and the beach, and join the second event CLEAR THE CLOG the following weekend. Or make the most of November, under the sun of Andaluca, and have a 10 days wellness, enjoying a deep relaxing experience with CLEAR THE CLOG and SECRETS OF THE DORMANT SEED before the craziness of Christmas Holidays begins

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Nude yoga events in Andalucia

this sounds amazing, but it a bit out of my reach.

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  • 7 years ago