Sri Lankan Nudists

Hello fellas.This group is for Sri Lankans who enjoy being nude.As we all know nudism is not encouraged in our country.Join the group and one day we all could meet.cheers!!!

New facebook group and community for Sri Lankan nudists

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Hi! I have created a new facebook group and a community for anyone
longing to be in the comfort of their own skins in Sri Lanka.
Please join, like and participate in them to establish and keep the
spirit of nudism alive in the country-

Sri Lankan Nudists group-
Sri Lankan Nudism community-

UPDATE 2016-07-31: I'm no longer managing the group and the
community, but one of my friends here is (jaymax92). You can
contact him to learn more about both of them.

Thank you!


Nudism = True Salvation!

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RE:New facebook group and community for Sri Lankan nudists

I can't create a top in the group... I am new to this and I want to establish the concept of Nudism in Sri Lanka. If any true nudists are there please help me out with this

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