Stealthy Nudists

This is a group for those who don't have the necessary privacy, to practice nudism at home. Join and discuss how you privatized an area of the outdoors outdoorsy home to be nude. Open back yard, close neighbors, city homes, decks in full view of the street..

Open deck, need ideas for additional privacy.

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My beautiful treed green space was replaced by housing development. I have rail fence on my deck and wove beach mats through the rails to provide privacy from the walking path. However the houses behind can see the deck from their upstairs. Sadly one of them one is local police chief. I've used some plants for additional privacy but could use more ideas. I posted a picture of the woven beach mats.

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Open deck, need ideas for additional privacy.

We did the same idea when we were having our deck built. We stood at the far side of the deck from anywhere there were windows, had the builder stand at the edge where the wall would be built, and told him how high the wall should be based on the idea that all windows we could see would be able to see us. We set the height to where no windows lined up on us lower than our necks. That way, we can still see over the deck wall, but others can't see below our neck. We can chat with close neighbors over the fence and they have no idea we're nude! lol! Also, we put about a 4" gap at the bottom of the wall to allow for a little more airflow to the deck. Love it and I'm on it pretty much every day nude.

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  • 5 years ago

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