Stealthy Nudists

This is a group for those who don't have the necessary privacy, to practice nudism at home. Join and discuss how you privatized an area of the outdoors outdoorsy home to be nude. Open back yard, close neighbors, city homes, decks in full view of the street..

I lived in a trailer that had a covered, screened in porch with latus and vines that concealed it. In the summers I would go out on the porch usually at night or when the sun was going down and relax with a drink or a coffee. It was a way for me to get out of the trailer nude and in private.

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RE:Private porch

we have a deck off the kitchen, wife used to put towels or blankets on railings so neighbors couldn't see her sunbathe nude. one day wind came up and blew them down, she was in full view of neighbors, never said anything. next week I put up OSB board and made it permanent. Lady neighbor said she didn't care.

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RE:Private porch

I have been out on my deck today, naked,it's only 50 degrees but feels like 70. not bad for So. Idaho. I am also a home nudist and hardly wear any clothes around the house. when it gets a little warmer.

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