Suffolk Coffee Club UK

For TN members in or around Suffolk UK to meet with fellow nudists from the area who occasionally get together for a chat over coffee, tea, wine and beer at one of the member's houses.

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Coffee morning today March 6th

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Thanks to those of you who made it today !!
You may be interested to know that the FaceTime happened at just before 2.00pm, the window cleaner arrived about 2.10 and my son didn't phone at 3.00pm but sent a message booking in for tomorrow morning after breakfast ! All in all, we got the timing right !
Well done to Paul001 for making the effort to get here, sorry that SuffolkNude2, Atlantic747 and Numariner couldn't make it in the end. Also I managed to lose smoothmike, southeastone and Markiemark100 along the way through my inefficiency, sorry - better luck next time !
So, keep in touch everyone ....... I'll be posting again when the opportunity arises for another meet.
Best regards,

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