Sunny Rest

People who go or wanna go to Sunny Rest.

Looking for a friends

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Headed to sunnyrest this summer 2024, looking to meet up with some TN folks. Hit me up if you are going so we could meet. My email is thanks.

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RE:Looking for a friends

I'm thinking of going June 15th for their clothing optional 5K. Let me know if you're interested in going. You don't have to run.


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RE:Looking for a friends

I am planning on going this summer as well.

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RE:Looking for a friends

I've toying with the idea of going to Sunny Rest this summer, but I didn't like the idea of having to go alone. One of the reasons I joined TN is to find other people who are going so that at least I'd kow someone when I got there. So...if anyone's going, let me know and I'll try to go the same day. It would be my very first nudist appearance *gasp*!

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RE:Looking for a friends

A few of us will be going next Saturday the 29th for Beerfest - will you be there?

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RE:Looking for a friends

I might be able to make that work! I'll let you know for sure, but it definitely sounds like a good way to get started. Thank you!

This post was edited
RE:Looking for a friends looks like I'll be heading to Sunny Rest this Saturday. Hope to see you there! It's my first time and I'm excited and a bit nervous! Here's first-timer question: I know to bring a towel and their website says to lock my clothing in my car, but how do I carry my car keys? And my phone, for that matter?

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