Tampa Nood Boating Trips
Tampa, Florida boating event page. Just friends and enjoying good conversations. Been doing monthly nude trips for several years now and just have enjoyed all the people Ive met over that time, and from all over. Its a community vibe and just relaxing with zero obligations and clothing optional. No fee. Bring your own food, drinks, and sunscreen. Always respectful when on the boat.
Tampa - Nautical Nudists
Return to Discussions10 year in North Tampa couple here. Many year nudists. Members of AANR sanctioned Nautical Nudists. Now 170 member clothing optional social group for couples, single guys and ladies, and however folks socially identify. NOT A SWINGER GROUP. Monthly gatherings for pot luck dinner and administrative presentation at clothing optional resorts. Frequent local and travel activities for members including snuba, scalloping, and manatee watching. Always looking for folks with boats and USCG captain ratings for houseboat rental/travel trips done in the past. NN group under title name for more info and www.NauticalNudists.com