Tattooed Nudist

Nudists with tattoos

If u get one u Will get more

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RE:Nude ink

Everyone only gets one tattoo. They think!

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RE:Nude ink

Very true!

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RE:Nude ink

When was that though? If it was a short while ago, you may yet indulge, if it was a long while ago, you are different than the majority. The rule works in most cases.

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RE:Nude ink

Yes, yes, and yes! I went for my first and "only" some years ago. I now have 4 and planning many more. It's addictive and I love them!

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RE:Nude ink

Yes, I started with one armband and then another. I have made additions to them since. I would like to add a sleeve and a piece over my left pec.

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RE:Nude ink

I got Thumper on my ass 28 years ago. Seven years ago I decided I wanted something alittle more dramatic. I got the tribals.

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RE:Nude ink

I guess I'm the exception now without any. If I were to get anything, it would have to be something I would have liked 10-15 years ago and still like now, but my tastes keep changing. At my age in my mid-50's it's enough of an accomplishment to stay in shape and not get fat. But if you can do so with ink, all the power to you!

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RE:Nude ink

My first was a star in the pubic area to cover a hernia scar. A year later I had 5 (pubic, back, ass, shoulder, penis).

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RE:Nude ink

Same as Duke, I only have one, on my left arm, which I got about 21 years ago. I've had ideas for others, but I guess I just wasn't as driven by them as by the first idea.

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RE:Nude ink

I am to hairy to get a tattoo lol

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