Teachers That Are Nudists

a place for teachers who are nudists can meet other teachers and blow off steam

Great to meet other nudist teachers

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Hello. Great to meet others who are nudists and teachers. I teach college. Wish I could teach in the nude but that's not allowed. Would love to hear others experiences.

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RE:Great to meet other nudist teachers

I actually was an instructor on and off for the military and fire service. I also was involved as a school board member. It is sometimes keeping lifes different roles separated. There is nothing wrong with adults being themselves when off the clock. It is unfortunate that people in society doesnt respect us just being human.

I agree with you that I would have loved to been able to instruct in the nude. For years I wanted to set up nude CPR and first aid training for ARC with nudist groups as a fun training certification.

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RE:Great to meet other nudist teachers

I actually was an instructor on and off for the military and fire service. I also was involved as a school board member. It is sometimes keeping lifes different roles separated. There is nothing wrong with adults being themselves when off the clock. It is unfortunate that people in society doesnt respect us just being human.

I agree with you that I would have loved to been able to instruct in the nude. For years I wanted to set up nude CPR and first aid training for ARC with nudist groups as a fun training certification.

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