Teachers That Are Nudists

a place for teachers who are nudists can meet other teachers and blow off steam

Return of "What does everyone or did teach?"

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I saw that the other discussion was very old so I thought we should get this group going again with some new discussions and to see how many of us are actually active on TN.

I teach 8th grade US History up to the reconstruction.

Been teaching over 17 years. Second career for me.

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RE:Return of "What does everyone or did teach?"

HS English and mathematics but getting closer to retirement every day.

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RE:Return of "What does everyone or did teach?"

Part-time evenings I taught 100 and 200 level Information Technology courses. Did it for a couple years while working full-time in the field. Retired now.

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RE:Return of "What does everyone or did teach?"

I'm a paraeducator at the high school level and have 13 students that I assist throughout the day, some in more than one class. I also coach all three seasons.

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RE:Return of "What does everyone or did teach?"

Very noble of you!

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RE:Return of "What does everyone or did teach?"

I taught 6 and 7 year olds for 15 years.

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