Teetotaler Nudists

a nudist group for nudists who are teetotalers or non-drinkers.

Alcohol is a mind altering drug. Drugs are bad. Which part of this is so hard for people to understand?

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RE: Alcohol

I guess it depends on what the alcohol content actually is, too. 90 proof wiskey versus, say, watered-down wine. I'm reminded that in the Bible, they did drink wine, largely because it was often safer to drink that than water, and also wine back then wasn't all that strongly fermented. Or so I gather, anyway. In fact, there are places in the Bible where it suggests that one should take a small amounts of wine as part of ones diet to stay healthy.
Mind you, I'm a teetotaller mostly because I'm... simply not interested in drinking alcohol. Started out as a religious thing (because "alcohol = bad" was what was drilled into me as a church kid), but remained that way (not interested in drinking) mostly out of inertia. And also because I'm halfway afraid to find out what kinda person I might turn into if I *did* get a taste of alcohol, find I liked it too much... and started getting tipsy. :D After all, some people change personality quite a lot when they get intoxicated, and sometimes in Really Not Nice ways. Or let slip embarassing personal secrets they wouldn't tell anyone while sober. Or stuff. :-|

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RE: alcohol

Hmmmm.... not sure if "Great American Drink-Off" would be the right name for it, since usually when someone has a "_____-off" event, it means "Let's do a lot of ____ for charity!" Say, a "Great American Rock-Off" where everyone gets onto a rocking chair and rocks back and forth all day on them to raise donations, or a "Great American Walk-Off" where they all walk the whole length of town en masse for charity.

Perhaps "Great American Dry Day" might be better, or "Great American Sober Day," or "Great American No-Drinks Day," or something. Comments?

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RE: alcohol

i love your ideas they're better than mine.

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RE: Alcohol

...it's probably a couple of years since the last glass of wine. If I did have one to be sociable, the next day I would be dehydrated and feel awful, so I just politely decline.

I'm just curious...I know you are not the only one...but, why does anyone feel they have to drink in orderto be sociable? It seems to me that if you are in a setting where everyone is drinking, then most will be too inebriated to notice if you say "no, thank you, I'd rather retainsome common sense".

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RE: Alcohol

I'm just curious...I know you are not the only one...but, why does anyone feel they have to drink in order to be sociable? It seems to me that if you are in a setting where everyone is drinking, then most will be too inebriated to notice if you say "no, thank you, I'd rather retain some common sense".
lol Linda, where as that is true in a lot of situations, not everyone that enjoys the occasional drink, will regularly drink sufficient to become inebriated. I assume that there are quite a few like the people that I know, that will have a class or two with their meal, especially if they are at a private dinner party that is being held to celebrate an event. That is where in the past I would occasionally drink to be sociable and to toast whatever it was we were celebrating, and in that kind of situation, you just have to be assertive and politely decline. Easiest thing to say is "I can't re my medication" :)


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Why NOT to drink, or smoke

Hi everyone,
In my case, when I was in Grade 2, my mother agreed to let me taste a VERY SMALL QUANTITY of wine, just to know how it tasted. I HATED IT! And I've avoided it ever since.
As for smoking, I was more or less brought up with black and white TV and I remember the Health Canada ads of the day. My favourite was a cartoon in which a man had set up dynamite and unrolled the wick at a fair distance. He then lit it and put out the match. He put in some ear plugs and took cover.
At some point he decided he needed a smoke, so he put a cigarette in his mouth and searched for his box of matches. He suddenly realised he had use his last match on the dynamite. BUT HE NEEDED A SMOKE! So he starts running on all fours, catches up to the quickly disappearing wick and tries to light the cigarette which is still in his mouth. Unfortunately, he runs right into the dynamite which explodes at that point, leaving nothing but a huge hole in the ground.
The announcer: Some people will do ANYTHING for a cigarette!

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